Our Team


Ricardo WAFFO

CEO & Co-Founder

To allow each African citizen to increase his self-esteem, his self-confidence, to take back his life in hand, to succeed in his business project, to set ambitious goals and to reach them, such is the challenge of Ricardo WAFFO. Today as Co-Founder and CEO of BABA in addition to being an investor in StartUp, he comes very close. His inspiration comes from his difficult childhood in a poor neighborhood of his hometown, and the suffering he had to go through during which nobody believed in him. Today he wants to give the opportunity to all those who are Today he wants to give the opportunity to all those who are now like him before, and to all the others, to become a better version of themselves and to accomplish much more in life than he did.


Steven Nkeneng

CTO & Co-Founder

Steven is Co-Founder and CTO of Baba. He is one of the most knowledgeable and diverse IT professionals in his field. Whether it's about Blockchain technology, Fintech, application and website development, he has left remarkable footprints in everything he has touched. He had a very difficult childhood during which he learned at an early age to take care of himself. Today, through the project BABA project that he co-founded, he would like to say to all the current and future Baba community that : It is possible if you have a dream, you just have to believe in it, to train (read) and to work for its realization